Pros and Cons of Co-Ed Games
One of the most important goals of amateur team sports is to get non-professionals to play their favourite sport in organized leagues. That goal is achieved only when the players can exercise, have fun and enjoy the games safely. To get there, amateur sport leagues are organized by level of play and/or by age group. In each division, we usually have men’s leagues and women’s leagues. However, in many adult divisions there are an increasing number of Co-ed or mixed leagues; these include both men and women and are rapidly gaining popularity.
What means Co-Ed?
“Coed is short for coeducational. This means, both men and women can play on the same team. Coeducation is the integrated education of men and women at the same school facilities; co-ed is a shortened adjectival form of co-educational.” In Co-ed or mixed team leagues, each team must have a minimum number of players of the opposite sex on the field at all times during the game. Based upon our vast experience running and playing in Co-Ed leagues and Co-Ed drop in games in various cities and countries around the world with ShowUpAndPlaySports, we are going to answer the following questions:
What are the pros and Cons of Co-Ed games and mixed team sports?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Co-Ed or mixed team sports games?
What are the positives and negatives of Co-Ed or mixed team sports games?
What are the pros and cons of why boys and girls should be on the same sports team?
What are the pros and cons of mixed gender sports?
What are the benefits of mixed gender sports?
Should Youth Sports be Co-Ed?
What are the reasons against co-ed sports?
Should Co-Ed Sports be allowed?
What are the pros and cons of co-ed sport teams?
What are the statistics of co-ed sports?
Are there any professional Co-Ed Sports around the world?
Should boys and girls play sports together?
Here are the Pros, benefits, advantages, and positives of Co-Ed Games or mixed team sports: — Good Fair Play:
Players behave more responsibly when they play with or against the opposite sex. Most Co-ed leagues are recreational and it obliges stronger players to be less aggressive than when playing with players of the same sex.
Co-ed games bring out the best in players from both sexes: There are fewer complaints, almost no trash talk and very few fights in comparison with same-sex games.
Co-ed games encourage men to develop more patience. Women benefit by improving their skills and strength to keep up as men are generally faster and stronger players than women.
Fair play in Co-Ed games is very good and always above average, as men do their best to be seen as gentlemen and women do their best to be seen as nice.
- Fewer injuries
There are generally fewer injuries in Co-ed games compared to same sex games. Stronger players either make a conscious effort to slow down, or do so subconsciously when faced with players of the opposite sex.
The speed of the game is always acceptable and enjoyable. At a given skill level, Co-ed games are generally slower than men’s games and faster than women’s games.
When playing or organizing Co-Ed Games, it is strongly recommended to make sure that you are protected with liability insurance to cover you for injuries.
- Social and Openness
Co-ed leagues are very social because they represent both sexes and are more representative of the society. Pick Up Games are usually Co-Ed because anyone can just show up and play and those games are very social. This provides a lot of opportunity for playing Co-Ed games without being part of a Co-Ed League or team.
Players are always excited about the opportunity to meet and socialize with players of the opposite sex and it gives them another reason to go out and play and behave responsibly.
Some players try harder and play better to avoid being ridiculed in front of the opposite sex and it helps them get better.
Co-Ed or Mixed sports can encourage sedentary or shy girls to engage in sports.
Players with partners of the opposite sex can enjoy the activity as a couple by playing in the same Co-ed team.
- Cost
Co-Ed Leagues are in average cheaper and less expensive that men or women leagues.
Couple who play together in Co-Ed Leagues or games save money while carpooling to games or practice.
Popular co-ed team sports are soccer and basketball and those sports don’t require much in term of equipment. Most co-ed teams equipment consist of simple t-shirts and players can play with their own sneakers for indoors.
Below is a cost comparison between adult co-ed leagues, mens league, women leagues, co-ed drop in leagues.
- Knowledge of the games
The disparity of skills and knowledge of the games from players playing in Co-Ed games help participants to better understand the games and the rules. Stronger players sometimes have to explain the rules to weaker or new players and it helps everyone understand the games better.
Despite all the nice things said above, Co-ed games or mixed teams also have some disadvantages.
- Less Efficient, Players availability:
Some teams have difficulty finding the requisite number of players of the opposite sex and end up losing the game by default because of it.
When Co-ed teams are lacking in players of a specific sex, the few players available are obliged to play much longer than usual. They are often very tired by the end of the game and team performance generally suffers for it.
- Lack of Quality:
Many men, who are usually faster and stronger than women, get frustrated when they face women and find they have to slow down. They may end up not enjoying themselves and may also feel they can’t express themselves fully.
Women can experience frustration as well. Often, they are not taken seriously during the game by men who are afraid of hurting or overpowering them.
The fact that players in Co-ed leagues try to be gentle with one another can affect the game in a negative way. More competitive players might not enjoy the game as much.
- Rare, but Severe Injuries:
Sport injuries that occur when weaker players try to perform at the same level as stronger players of the opposite sex can be dangerous.
Some players who don’t understand the game and get invited just to fill the quota sometimes don’t understand the concept of tackle, shield, advantage, “First to the ball” and can create injuries by doing things that the opponents are not expecting. It sometimes results in very bad injuries.
Clumsy players who join the game to fill the quota or just to play with their date or partner usually end up hurting themselves or their opponent by not knowing when to slow down or get away from players who are very fast or skillful.
- Jealousy:
The potential attraction between players of opposing sexes can sometimes create conflicts and jealousy from other players and this can affect the game negatively.
Some players go to specific teams just to court other players from the opposite sex and the game is not their priority. This can affect the game negatively.
Some players can be rejected by a love interest in the same team and they don’t always cope well with the rejection. In those cases, the atmosphere of the team is sometimes ruined and the team ends up losing at least one of the players concerned. When teams lose female members, it is hard to replace them and they end up forfeiting some games by not having enough female members.
- Statistics of Co-Ed Sport Teams vs Men Teams and Women Teams:
To conclude:
Co-ed games or mixed team sports have more positives than negatives. However, I recommend it for mature, older players as they are more likely to have the patience and self-control to enjoy this type of game. Kids under 6 can also play co-ed for a practical reason. At that age, there are not just enough girls to form a complete team in a girl only league. At that age also, boys and girl can safely play together without any need of self control.
On a recreational and amateur level, many sports feature co-ed teams and leagues and it is growing very fast. The most notables amateur sports with co-ed leagues and teams are soccer, basketball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, softball, flag football. Official competitions featuring co-ed or mixed teams so far are limited to ultimate Frisbee, double tennis, equestrian
Various Question and Answers about Co-Ed Sport games, teams and leagues around the world
What sport, played or competed by both genders respectively, in which women are more dominant than men?
Figure Skating
Synchronized Swimming
Roller Derby
Roller Derby
Field Hockey
Why do we still have separate men and women categories in sports, when we both are equal?
In what sport can male and female athletes compete with each other professionally?
Motor sports: There is no restriction on female drivers in 4 wheel motor sports — I am not sure about motorbikes — but certainly not in cars. You mention Danica Patrick but I think Maryeve Dufault has competed in Nascar also. Milka Duno has competed in Indycar and there have been a number of female F1 racers the best of whom was probably Lella Lombardi who competed in 17 F1 Grand Prix, and is to date the only female driver to have scored world championship points. She was a good sports car driver too. The most recent was María de Villota who was a test driver for the Marussia team in 2012 until she crashed in testing.
Equestrian sports: Its strange to think that this most old fashioned of sports — is perhaps the one with the most equality. Men and women compete equally in showjumping, dressage, and cross country . In Dressage, women have won the Olympic Gold Medal at the last 7 Olympics, and in the last 4 Olympics have won all 3 medals. In Eventing women have won individual silver and bronze at the last 3 Olympics and team gold at the last 2, and in Showjumping women won gold, silver and bronze team medals at Beijing. Anne, Princess Royal even competed in the Olympics for Great Britain
Horse Racing: There have been quite a few female jockeys in the US, the first licensed jockey being Penny Ann Early and the most successful probably being Donna Barton Brothers
Sailing — Ocean Racing: Olympic sailing segregates male and female participants, but in long distance racing there are no restrictions. For example, more than a thousand women have competed in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race
Racquet Sports: Mixed doubles are competed in most racquet sports, such as tennis, badminton and table tennis. But there is no “open” competition
Chess: Although male dominated, men and women can play each other in open competition. The most successful female chess player is Judit Polgár
Curling: A mixed doubles competition is available for curling
Ice Skating: Skating features mixed Ice Dance, and Ice Dancing competitions, but no open competition for men and women to compete openly against each other
Climbing: Climbing is mainly based on open competition
Are men generally physically stronger than women? Is it medically proven? If a boy and girl are given the same kind of training from childhood, will they become players of the same quality in physical sports?
Will a woman and a man of the same size and level of strength remain physically equal if they train the exact same way?
- My gift to you:
Here are some other resources about the Pros and Cons of Co-Ed games or mixed team sports:
FREE Adult Outdoor Co-Ed Soccer in various cities in the world.
Find Co-Ed or mixed drop in games in your city with the Free Djamga App for Android
- Co-Ed Games videos
International Resources and perspectives about Co-Ed Games and mixed team sports
Professional Athletes Are Torn When It Comes To The Future Of Mixed Gender Teams.
In which Olympic sports would men and women be competitive against each other?
Dressage, Gymnastic, Figure skating, etc.If men and women could compete together in any sports, which events would women dominate in?
Gymnastics, Hula hoops, balance beam, etc.Why do we still have separate men and women categories in sports, when we both are equal?